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Classroom Programs

Our lessons in financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and work readiness are the tools we give our students to succeed, but your stories, advice, and personal connection to the students is the fuel to get them to where they want to go. So we mean it: without our volunteers, our students would have great skills but perhaps lack the inspiration to use them. We need you.

Traditional classroom programs are flexible and easy! Volunteer for one of our open classes for 5-7 lessons that are roughly 30-45 minutes long. You work with your assigned teacher to make your schedule. Training is available for all volunteers. 

CURRENT VOLUNTEERS: Click the "JA Engage" button to see our open classes or reach out to our Programs team at

NEW VOLUNTEERS: Fill out the form below 

JA Engage


Volunteer Delivery Method I'm Interested In   
Grade Level I'd Like To Teach   

Select a button below to see how you or your organization can get involved with Junior Achievement of Oklahoma, Inc..

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