Junior Achievement of Oklahoma opens Virtual Career Exploration Fair to Students
Author: Junior Achievement of Oklahoma
Work Readiness
Thursday, 11 Mar 2021

Junior Achievement of Oklahoma’s JA Inspire Virtual is an interactive career exploration fair showcasing careers from organizations around the Tulsa and Oklahoma City Regions. Students will have the opportunity to virtually learn about careers directly from industry representatives in time to begin planning their high school course work and better prepare themselves for life after high school graduation.
Over 60 organizations representing health sciences, human services and resources, industrial, manufacturing, engineering, business, marketing, communications and information technology will be participating in this event sponsored by Bank of the West. Exhibits will feature downloadable career information, photos, and on-the-job videos. A full list of exhibitors is available on the JA Inspire website at JAInspireOK.org.
“Going virtual is exciting, because we're able to reach 10,000 students statewide, and there are no restrictions geographically building capacity or even schedules like bus schedules, teacher schedules so we're able to reach not just in the metro but rural areas as well, and they can learn at their own pace, or go back in the future as they want to explore different avenues,” Darcie Henderson, Private Banking Officer, Senior Vice President, Mabrey Bank
Opening day is dedicated to 10,000 eighth graders who will be welcomed in the virtual auditorium by Joy Hofmeister, state school superintendent, along with Sean Kouplen, Oklahoma Secretary of Commerce, both sharing the importance of preparing for their futures in the workforce. These students, along with 20,000+ additional middle school and high school students, will have access to the career fair exhibitor booths and materials continuing after opening day through April.
This program is being supported by companies and foundations including: AAON; Matrix Service Company; Paycom; Schusterman Foundation; Williams; Arvest; Ernst & Young; Hillcrest Medical Center; Luxa Enterprises; Mabrey Bank; Tulsa Tech; Herman Meinders and the Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma.
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